You want to invest in crypto currencies? In the meantime, there is a vast number of innovative and new products and possibilities, whereby the greatest dangers lurk when choosing the right solution. Many suppliers are neither regulated nor do they guarantee security for storage in so-called wallets. In addition, there are now countless different coins, including many dubious offers. Recently, authorities around the world took strong action against this unregulated market, which caused this speculation bubble to burst. Nevertheless, the range of products and services on offer continues to grow. This makes it very difficult for less experienced investors to determine the right offer and the right addition to an existing portfolio structure. Ultimately, individual risk capacity and risk tolerance must not be ignored. We will be happy to work with you to determine how high the proportion of this asset class should be in the context of your existing asset allocation. We rely exclusively on Swiss certificate solutions from regulated and established third-party providers.
How can I invest in crypto currencies?
It is very easy to access the digital means of payment via crypto currency exchanges. The purchased coins are also stored and managed there. However, it has often been shown that storage via crypto exchanges is only conditionally secure. On the one hand, dangers lurk due to the insolvency of these exchanges or hacker attacks, as well as due to the legal domiciles of these exchanges, which are often located in emerging markets. Many Swiss banks now offer certificates for investments in crypto currencies. Such solutions are somewhat more expensive, but have the advantage that you have to worry far less about storage and security. When switching from digital to traditional currencies and vice versa, crypto exchanges are usually even more expensive. However, we can help you gain secure access to trading crypto currencies by investing in certificates from selected third-party providers.
Should I invest in crypto currencies?
Trading in crypto currencies is highly speculative. At the moment we can see that volatility is decreasing somewhat, but is still extraordinarily high compared to traditional asset classes. Only those who have a high risk tolerance – and ability – should consider buying crypto currencies at all. The future of crypto currencies is uncertain. There is a possibility that a technically superior digital currency will quickly overtake the existing crypto currencies or that a regulated government digital currency will be introduced. Just as well, extreme market events can drastically shake confidence in the classic central bank system and help crypto currencies to a second spring. Where the journey is going, nobody can give you a serious answer – not even we. Every investor has to ask himself this question.
How can I make sure whether a supplier of crypto products is serious?
Don’t believe everything on the Internet. Often promising reviews come directly from the environment of the providers. Check whether the provider is domiciled in a country where legal certainty is guaranteed and the provider is supervised accordingly (by a regulatory authority). Before investing in virtual currencies, make sure that you make sufficient investments in advance and only make investments if the provider’s business model is understandable and comprehensible. In addition, obtain independent expert opinions in order to make the safest possible choice. Switzerland is one of the largest marketplaces for crypto products and services and offers sufficient opportunities. However, not all providers have the appropriate authorisation. Check FINMA’s warning list in advance:
Since crypto offers shoot out of the ground like mushrooms, this list is never exhaustive. Report dubious Swiss providers directly to the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) and protect other investors from potential fraudsters. In any case, we advise inexperienced investors against new initial coin offerings (ICOs). We cannot and do not wish to support this form of crypto investing. The risk with such offers is simply too great.
Where can I find further information on crypto currencies and the underlying blockchain technology?
If you are interested in the technical side (and understand it), you should take a closer look at this document:
If you want to stay up to date and look for a serious publication, you should subscribe to the Crypto Research Report by Cryptoresearch.